Rabit Branding

Branding created for an athletic/lifestyle brand intended for use in the upcoming comic book series "Harlem Knights".

Concept Development

These are some early sketches related to the overall concept and form of the final brand. Playing around with the placement of the ear glyph was a major staple for what would later become the driving force behind the brands final look.

Brand Pattern

Brand patterns are an excellent way to expand a brand beyond a traditional logo. Patterns can really help bring character to a brand and are excellent brand assets for future use. The pattern for Rabit utilizes the key shapes from the ear glyphs to create a unique and memorable motif.

Applying the Brand

Because Rabit's intended use was internal branding for a comic book, I felt it would be worthwhile to show how the brand may appear in the finished medium. Comics are such an expressive form of communication, so creating a brand that is easily replicated by hand was a big part of the design process. This is also an excellent demonstration of how a brand story can be told in so many different ways while still maintaining the same concepts throughout.


