Terrain X Apparel

Custom apparel designs created for an artist owned apparel store in downtown Spokane, WA.

Sketches/Concept Development

When the project was first brought to me I knew I wanted to make something fun but also representative of the city. Coming up with custom type felt like the best way to show some expression but allow for space on the back of the shirt to be more graphic.

Development (First Pass)

The first round of designs for the back of the apparel was centered around a custom character. But, in the interest of creating something more universal, this concept was scrapped for what would end up being the final piece.

Cleaning up the concepts.

With a direction agreed upon I was able to focus on completing the forms for the type and finalizing the development of the rear graphic.

Final Production

This involves taking the cleaned up line art into illustrator to finalize and prepare everything for printing.


