Velocity By Grace Branding

Complete rebrand and expansion completed for Velocity By Grace, a trucking and transportation company based out of Spokane, WA. From truck decals to letter head, Lejit Designs handled every aspect of this rebrand with care and purpose.

Concept Development

Project timelines can vary depending on the needs of the client or if the correct solution just isn't presenting itself. In all honesty that's part of the magic of design. Velocity By Grace was a rebrand that took 6 rounds of sketching before a final design path was found. I am a huge proponent for not settling and I make sure all of my clients know that whether it's 1 or 20 rounds of iteration, I want them to have a solution that they love and fulfills all of their needs. Many of these concepts could have been "good enough", but I'm not in the business of providing "good enough" design.

Narrowing Down the Design

Typically, after identifying a design path from the sketches, it's customary to begin finalizing the form of the initial mark. What you see here are some of the final iterations of the form process that helped identify what would end up being the final glyph.

Brand Guidelines

Creating comprehensive brand guidelines are a key part of any branding project. Brand guidelines provide a clear pathway for owners and future designers to apply the brand properly to any medium. I always advocate heavily for brand guidelines in every project I complete.

Applying the Brand

For Velocity By Grace, brand application included everything from apparel to decals for the side of trucks! Seeing a brand applied to different mediums is definitely the best part of the branding process. However, the end product is only ever as good as the foundation built early on in the process. That's why concept development and iteration are vital to any and every project.

